Every year on Easter Sunday in my Father's town of Bellona, which is a small town in the city of Caserta (in Naples, Italy) they celebrate the FESTA di BELLONA MARIA SS. DI GERUSALEMME.
This is where they take the statue of the Madonna from the town's church, place her on a large, gorgeous float of fresh flowers and carry her to every corner of the entire town so everyone can see her. It is the final celebration of a week of cconcerts, church services, prayer and carnival. It is an honor to be one of the men to carry her. Men wait years to be called upon to serve.
My cousin sent me a photo of this year's event. This is a long, incredible tradition and I am so happy that I have experienced it several times in my life. It's a celebration every one should see once in their life.
They even have a facebook page, so click here if you would like to learn more and see additional photos!
What is the story about miracles that happened? What is the feast